Resident Evil 6 - No Hope - New Game - No Damage Playthrough

A playthrough of Resident Evil 6 in No Hope / New Game. This playthrough is a "fresh start" as they call it, in that I am beginning each campaign with the default inventory and the gear is collected along the way. The difficulty is No Hope, and there is no health loss for the heroes (except where unavoidable). I have done several No Hope runs in the past, but this is the best so far, both in terms of gameplay as well as video quality, because I did it with better hardware. No Hope seems a bit of a nightmare, but in fact it isn't half as bad. In fact there are only a few situations that are truly frustrating, but even those can be dealt with, with a bit of practice. Also playing more difficult games seems to help a lot when you get back to Resident Evil 6. In this playthrough, I am playing only as the main characters (Leon, Chris, Jake and Ada). All cutscenes are included. Check also: Resident Evil 6 Professional S Rank Playthrough Resident Evil 6 ...