The Evil Within 2: Classic Mode + No Keys Playthrough (with Anima, Sykes Missions & Slides)

A playthrough of The Evil Within 2 on Classic mode, using no keys either. The playthrough includes all Anima events, the missions of Julian Sykes and finding all the slides. Classic mode is a hardcore "old-school" challenge which follows the tradition of older games that had neither automatic checkpoints nor weapon / character upgrade system. The Evil Within on Classic is basically Nightmare difficulty on steroids, as apart from the lack of perks, it is significantly harder on its own as well: the enemies can spot you more easily, they can chase you for longer distances, they attack harder, and you can lose more health even with seemingly insignificant hits. Although Classic mode allows you to use locker keys, I decided to not make use of them in this playthrough, so as to make the challenge even more demanding. On a very positive note, the game offers a cleverly designed stealth system which practically allows you to cover whole areas by sneaking in and out and...