
Showing posts from 2020

Resident Evil 3 Remake Nightmare No Damage/No Coins/No Infinite Weapons Playthrough

A playthrough of RE3 Remake in Nightmare difficulty. I am not taking any damage and I am not using any coins or infinite weapons. I do use a few other shop items, specifically: the Samurai Edge handgun and the Hot Dogger knife, the bonus pouches, the extra Lockpick and Bolt Cutters and the Crafting Companion. In Nightmare, the game generously gives you the Magnum from the beginning, as well as one extra inventory pouch The Samurai Edge handgun is stronger and more stable, so I do prefer it over the default one. The Hot Dogger is of course stronger than the standard knife, but most of all it has this impressive burning effect. I use the bonus pouches so as to have more space, since I take the bonus Lockpick and Bolt Cutters from the item box at the station, so as to not have to backtrack to every locked place with zombies and the Nemesis breathing down my neck (grenades are unable to stun the Nemesis in this mode, so I prefer to run and dodge while it's chasing me). The Crafting Com...

Tell Me Why Playthrough

Tell Me Why is the latest episodic game by Dontnod, the team that created the Life Is Strange games. This time, the story revolves around two siblings, Alyson and Tyler Ronan, who grew up separated from each other for ten years (from ages 11 to 21) after Tyler was accused of murdering his mother in self-defence. The catch in the story is the fact that Tyler is a transgender boy, something that, back then, seems to have been what caused their mother's supposed attack against him resulting in her murder. When the siblings are reunited and return to their home town in order to sell their family house, they make discoveries that shed new light to the events of the past, and moreover we learn that things did not exactly happen like Alyson and Tyler said. If you expect something along the lines of the Life Is Strange games, you may find elements that relate to them, but you may also feel slightly disappointed. There is a metaphysical element, but in a very light version, and the story, a...

Resident Evil 3 Remake - Hardcore - No Damage / No Shop Items Playthrough

A playthrough of Resident Evil 3 Remake in Hardcore difficulty. I am using the default inventory (no shop items) and I am not taking any damage. There are a lot of things that I like about the remake of Resident Evil 3, and a few that I'd rather do without. I love its atmosphere and overall design, which give out this compelling claustrophobic feel, and the fact that it is action-based, although I admit that I was looking forward to a revamped version of the Clock Tower, the Park or the Cemetery and the Clock Tower puzzles. And I do not like certain aspects of its gameplay that could have been great additions if they were implemented in a more player-friendly way. More specifically, the game has a set of mechanics which, although in reality are more elaborate than those of Resident Evil 2 Remake, in practice they don't offer you more flexibility. I am talking about the Dodge and Perfect Dodge moves, two evasion techniques that are supposed to save your life when you are in a de...