Assassin's Creed Odyssey Nightmare Selective Playthrough / "Invulnerability" + Poison Build / Exploration mode (NG+)

This NG+ playthrough of "Odyssey" is centered around combat mostly; I am using an "Invulnerability" build which consists of several perks and engravings combined with the Mythical Heroes Legendary set (customized) and Neokles's special Spartan Javelin, all engraved with additional perks that add up to result in an almost invincible build. This "Invulnerability" build is not 100% damage-proof as certain attacks can still get you, but you are immune to most hits and it is nearly impossible to die. I am also using mostly, but not exclusively, poison-based attacks. Armor, arsenal and engravings Spartan Javelin (30% Melee Resistance) +50% Crit Damage Arachne's Stingers (poison-imbued dagger) +20% Damage with Overpower Abilities Fanged Bow (Normal arrows become poison arrows) +30% Damage with Full Health Perseus Crown +30% Ranged Resistance Bracers of Theseus +30% Ranged Resistance Jason's Golden Fleece +40% Poison Resistance [since poison attacks a...