Assassin's Creed Syndicate Selective Playthrough (New Game, 100% Memories)

I fell in love with this game as soon as I started playing it for the first time, so naturally, and also because it is a vintage gem anyway, several playthroughs and videos of it are featured in my gameplay channel. This specific playthrough I call it "Selective" because I have only included certain memories and segments in order to focus on the main action and story. That said, there are a few missions that I did play but edited out in the final videos, as I only played said missions in order to get extra XP, Skill Points and / or unique items that I needed to craft stuff. All memories, activities and quests included are with 100% completion.

What this playthrough includes:

-The main story, set in Victorian London. I left out the modern story, although I like it and enjoy it every time, but as I said I wanted to focus on the main one in this run.

-All associate activities given by Henry Green, Frederick Abberline and Clara O'Dea (Templar Hunts, Gang Strongholds, Bounty Hunts, Child Liberations).

-All of Robert Topping's activities (Fight Clubs and Racing Games).

-Selected activities by Ned Wynert. I did all of them to achieve Level 5 loyalty but did not include them all in the edited videos. I only added those that give either Skill Points or unique items (ie, those that co-incide with each loyalty level achieved).

-From the collectibles, I only went for the Beer Bottles to get the high-level belt for Jacob (Beer Collector's Belt) and the Locked Chests for the bonus items / weapons.

The missions that I did but left out of the videos were the four Train Memories and The Darkest Hour main memory. I did the Train Memories so as to rid of the respective markers constantly showing up on the train, as well as to get some extra XP and Skill Points, and I also did the Darkest Hour (the complulsory mission from the WW1 Simulation) so as to get the standard extra four Skill Points and the bonus item needed to craft the fancy outfit (Nightshade) for Evie.

Check also: 

Assassin's Creed Syndicate Full Playthrough

Assassin's Creed Syndicate Extended Playthrough



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